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发布日期:2022年04月02日     编辑:     点击数:

胡成,特聘副研究员,硕士生导师,工学博士,师从王云兵教授。目前主要围绕心脑血管等疾病治疗,在生物材料的智能化设计、制备及其在生物医药等交叉学科领域的应用方面展开一系列研究工作,主要研究方向有探究新型生物医用水凝胶在心脑血管疾病治疗和组织修复中的应用。主持国家自然科学基金、十四五国家重点研发计划子课题、四川省青年科学基金等多项科研项目。担任Biomedical Engineering Communications期刊编委及Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Exploration, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences等期刊青年编委。发表论文40余篇,以第一或通讯作者在Biomaterials, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Controlled Release, Chemistry of Materials等期刊发表多篇论文,ESI高被引论文3篇,期刊热点论文1篇。申请国内外专利10余项,多次参加国内外学术会议并作报告。担任Theranostics,Journal of Nanobiotechnology, Journal of Controlled Release, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Acta Biomaterialia等杂志审稿人。


1、 心脑血管疾病治疗和组织修复(心衰、心梗、脑卒中等);

2、 智能响应型生物医用多功能水凝胶;

3、 多功能微/纳材料的制备及应用。



1. C. Hu, W. Liu, L. Long, Z. Wang, W. Zhang, S. He, L. Lu, H. L. Yang*, Y. Wang*, Regeneration of infarcted hearts by myocardial infarction responsive injectable hydrogels with combined anti-apoptosis, anti-inflammatory and pro-angiogenesis properties, Biomaterials, 290 (2022) 121849.

2. X. Liang, C. Hu*, Y. Wang*, Biomimetic-modified bioprosthetic heart valves with controlled release of glycyrrhizin acid mediated by the inflammatory microenvironment for anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-calcification, Chemical Engineering Journal, 472 (2023) 145044.

3. C. Hu, L. Long, J. Cao, S. Zhang, Y. Wang*, Dual-crosslinked mussel-inspired smart hydrogels with enhanced antibacterial and angiogenic properties for chronic infected diabetic wound treatment via pH-responsive quick cargo release, Chemical Engineering Journal, (2021) 128564. (ESI高被引论文)

4. L. Long#, C. Hu#, W. Liu, C. Wu, L. Lu, L. Yang*, Y. Wang*, Injectable multifunctional hyaluronic acid/methylcellulose hydrogels for chronic wounds repairing, Carbohydrate Polymers, 289 (2022) 119456.

5. W. Zhang, W. Liu, L. Long, S. He, Z. Wang, Y. Liu, L. Yang, N. Chen*, C. Hu*, Y. Wang, Responsive multifunctional hydrogels emulating the chronic wounds healing cascade for skin repair, Journal of Controlled Release, 354 (2023) 821-834.

6. Y. Wu#, Y. Wang#, L. Long, C. Hu*, Q. Kong*, Y. Wang, A spatiotemporal release platform based on pH/ROS stimuli-responsive hydrogel in wound repairing, Journal of Controlled Release, 341 (2022) 147-165.

7. C. Hu, F. Zhang, L. Long, Q. Kong, R. Luo*, Y. Wang*, Dual-responsive injectable hydrogels encapsulating drug-loaded micelles for on-demand antimicrobial activity and accelerated wound healing, Journal of Controlled Release, 324 (2020) 204-217. (ESI高被引论文)

8. Y. Wang#, Y. Wu#, L. Long, L. Yang, D. Fu, C. Hu*, Q. Kong*, Y. Wang, Inflammation-Responsive Drug-Loaded Hydrogels with Sequential Hemostasis, Antibacterial, and Anti-Inflammatory Behavior for Chronically Infected Diabetic Wound Treatment, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(28) (2021) 33584-33599. (ESI高被引论文)

9. C. Hu, R. Luo, Y. Wang*, Heart valves cross-linked with erythrocyte membrane drug-loaded nanoparticles as a biomimetic strategy for anti-coagulation, anti-inflammation, anticalcification, and endothelialization, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (2020) 41113-41126.

10. X. Liang, L. Yang, Y. Lei, S. Zhang, L. Chen, C. Hu*, Y. Wang*, Biomimetic-modified bioprosthetic heart valves with Cysteine-Alanine-Glycine peptide for anti-thrombotic, endothelialization and anti-calcification, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 250 (2023) 126244.



Emailchenghu@scu.edu.cn/[email protected]










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